Create a light REST API web application using Bottle framework Vuejs and MongoDB Part1

JWT_VueJS_Python_Bottle framework_Rest API_API_MongoDB_PyMogo_Linux_

In this first part we will see how to setup a minimalist Bottle framework environment and create a skeleton for the login and register pages .
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Create a light REST API web application using Bottle framework Vuejs and MongoDB Part2

MongoDB_Rest API_Bottle framework_Python_JWT_VueJS_API_PyMogo_Linux_

In part 2 of this tutorial we will cover first some basic MongoDB functions using both mongo prompt and using python library pymongo and finally we will update the register and login page to use the database .
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Create a light REST API web application using Bottle framework Vuejs and MongoDB Part3

VueJS_JWT_Python_Bottle framework_Rest API_API_MongoDB_PyMogo_Linux_

In part 2 we've prepared MongoDB database and updated the login and register pages, in this Part of the tutorial we will work on the dashboard page where we can manipulate the notes.
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Create a light REST API web application using Bottle framework Vuejs and MongoDB Part4

JWT_Python_Bottle framework_PyMogo_VueJS_Rest API_API_MongoDB_Linux_

In this last part of this tutorial, we will be finalizing the application by implementing an authorization layer using tokens generated with JWT .
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Desktop notifications for linux using Tkinter and ZeroMQ


Custom desktop notifications for Linux using Tkinter and ZeroMQ
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